Mountains of the British Isles > Wales >

Snowdon / Yr Wyddfa |

Info - Trip Report - 

VR Tour

Explore the mountains of the Snowdon Massif from the comfort of your computer, tablet or smart phone with these virtual reality mountain tour of the following peaks.

These are some of North Wales most rugged and highest peaks. Whilst popular, quiet spots can be found away from the honey pot. There is history too, including the ruins of mining facilities.

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Start from Rhyd-Ddu car park
Start from Snowdon's summit
Start from Garnedd Ugain
Start from Crib Goch
Start from Britanina Mines
Start from Pen y Pass

List of Peaks:




Crib Goch  923 mWN 3. 6
Crib y Ddysgl / Garnedd Ugain1065 mWN 3. 5
Snowdon / Yr Wyddfa1085 mWN 3. 7

Further Info:

The panoramas taken to build the Snowdon tours were taken on multiple trips and with various equipment. Expand article

The most recent come from the spring of 2022 when I introduced my brother, niece and nephew to the Crib Goch ascent of Snowdon. They loved it. Having parked just outside Llanberis, we took the shuttle bus back up to Pen-y-Pass, and from there made our ascent. Setting out early we managed to avoid the crowds, and indeed had we hiked the route a day a later, would have been amongst the queues reported in the national newspapers.

By the time we reached Garnedd Ugain it had clouded over a little, and it remained much the same until we departed Snowdon / Yr Wyddfa's summit, heading south then west along the Watkins Path until reaching the Cribau Spur. Here we scrambled down to Glaslyn and joined the Miners' Track for our return to Pen--y-Pass.

Before 2022, I had not been on the mountain since the spring of 2015. On that occasion I hiked the Rhyd-Ddu Path with my kids taking the panoramas with my iPhone on the descent of Snowdon having first climbed the summit from Pen-y-Pass via the Pyg Track. That had been another great day, full of achievements and memories that will last a lifetime.

The Crib Goch and Crib y Ddysg photos were taken with a Canon SureShot.

The first tour photos were taken from the Pyg Track in January 2008. Expand article

Llyn Llydaw and Y Lliwedd, Snowdon Horseshoe.
Llyn Llydaw and Y Lliwedd, Snowdon Horseshoe.